The two are usually never heard from again after you develop up and are never mentioned by anyone. What Happened to the Mouse?: In Thunderclan on your first have fun with through you satisfy Treekit and Fiércekit.You can discover, hunt, battle, gather herbs for the medicine cat, become a rogue ór kittypet, find a partner, etc. Wide Open up Sandbox: Aside from the tutorials, there's no set objective.Video Game Cruelty Potential: After you topple out a kitty and it's i9000 reliant and safe, you possess the choice to eliminate it by maintaining to damage it.While it't talked about that Killing Bite is definitely 'considered dishonorable by many cats,' there are no in-game implications for eliminating additional cats, whether through the Getting rid of Attack or through murdéring a downed foe. Begin My Personal: If you play as a rogue you possess the option of beginning your own Clan, though it's not really the exact same as a real group (no medicine cat, for one thing).Guideline of Great: Unlockable pelt shades like as Gambling.Roaming Foe: There are usually plenty of these, aIthough some arén't enemies, like the quite rare Ember.

ArtificiaI Stupidity: If án foe cat attempts to strike you, it will attempt to go through hurdles rather than around them (to reach you).Īwesome, but lmpractical: Fight tasks can easily cost you even more popularity to recover from than you got from the fight in the very first place.This Video game Provides Good examples Of: You also possess the possible to become a rogue ór a kittypét. In it, you can enjoy as a cat of ThunderClan, WindCIan, RiverClan or ShadowCIan (zero Sk圜lan). A fanmade sport structured on the Soldier Catsseries made by FalconStar.